Our Mission: Make Strong Jews

Our mission is to create attire that not only looks bad*ss, but also directly combats antisemitism and supports the existence of Israel. We do this through imagery that represents what it means to be a strong, unafraid, and capable Jew.

Coupled with the ever growing presence of global antisemitism and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, it is more important than ever to create a strong Jewish presence and mentality both in our local communities and in Israel.

By Wearing Our Attire You are Directly Combating Antisemitism and Helping Defeat Israel's Enemies, here's how:

1.) By helping Strengthen Israels defense capabilities.

15 percent of every purchase you make is directly donated to helping bolster the IDF’s capabilities. This means purchasing essential gear and any necessitates needed to strengthen the IDF's abilities to defeat its enemies.

2.) By fostering a global “never again”  attitude, which means helping create a strong global Jewish presence that doesn't take sh*t from anyone that aims to cause us harm or threaten our existence.

The images and messaging on our attire represents strength and capability. By wearing our attire you represent to the world that us are not afraid and that we are willing to defend ourselves against those that seek our destruction. This is not only a powerful message but a necessary action in the battle against an ever-increasing global Jewish hatred. Now more than ever, its time to show the world that we are not not afraid to stand up to those that seek to wipe us out.

Who are we

My name is Milan a former IDF soldier, when the October 7th attack occurred, I knew I had to do whatever I could to help Israel defeat Hamas. I returned as a combat soldier with the intent of not only serving but getting a better insight to what exactly the units on the ground truly needed most.

After many attempts to raise money, I saw how difficult it truly was to get people to donate enough to satisfy the needs of so many on the front lines. I realized the only way to solve such a problem is through creativity.

This is the reason why I joined with several of my fellow IDF brothers to create Caliber1948. We are not only helping IDF soldiers on the front line, but are also helping fight the global war against anti-semitism. The power of our strength exists is in the cohesiveness Jews globally. Together, we are an unstoppable force for good. Together, we are Caliber1948.

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